Yes, you heard me! You know those circular things on the roadways? (where EVERYONE seems to think that THEY have the right of way) It's ridiculous! Last summer I drove through Norfolk, Massachusetts on a daily basis on the way to work. There is a small rotary in Norfolk, which almost ended my life! The correct way to approach a rotary is to yield or stop before entering the rotary, depending on how the rotary is designed. Those who are already in the rotary own the coveted "right of way". Apparently, one of the following is the case:
1) Many drivers know the rules of the road and disregard them!
2) Many drivers have no bleeping idea how to drive!
3) A combination of 1) and 2)

On a number of occasions I observed Massholes driving directly through the rotary in Norfolk without hesitation! I want to know how these people are still alive. I almost hit one of them, but luckily had the driving awareness necessary to stop short in the middle of the rotary. Since I was already in the rotary I should have had the right of way, but honestly, who cares about those silly things called laws?
To be fair, I have to admit to breaking some driving laws, but I follow the important ones. You know, the ones that could easily mean the difference between life and death!
Not to mention the extremely dangerous, multiple lane rotaries a la Revere and Everett. That last "sentence" was a fragment. The grammar police are on patrol tonight! (I'm sure there are others multiple lane rotaries too; I just haven't seen them yet) I should feel lucky to be alive!
Now I'm trying to figure "Do I have a point?" I think the point is rotaries are dangerous, and you should approach these circles of doom with caution!
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