Let me rephrase that: What makes milk so special other than calcium. We all love that element on the period table, CA. All those "got milk?" campaigns drilled into our heads how important it is. When you're growing up and you see your favorite athlete drinking milk in a commercial, aren't you going to go home and drink a half gallon? I did! I must have consumed about 3 gallons a week as a youngster. If you don't know where I'm going with this, then you probably think like a normal person.
Milk is a great drink because it gives us options. We can pick between skim, 1%, 2%, and whole milk. If there are any other types of milk, I apologize to the milk connoisseurs. I've always been a fan of 2%, but I enjoy 1% on occasion. Skim tastes way too watery to me, and whole is far too thick. But the point is we have options and choices to pick from. Your taste buds are different than mine. So who am I to tell you that 2% is the best? It's a personal choice, all up to you, my friend.

My question is why don't other drinks offer the same type of flexibility? For example, why doesn't 1% or 2% Coca Cola or Pepsi exist? They have regular (immensely sugary) drinks and diet (too watery) drinks. When I drink a Pepsi, I feel like I am on drugs! I will bounce around with a ridiculous surplus of energy for about an hour. Then, like the 5 hour energy commercials states, I suffer a "debilitating crash". That soda is not so much fun anymore, is it?! Drinking the diet Pepsi is not fun either. It just doesn't taste very good. However, I find myself more frequently drinking the diet Pepsi to avoid the negative consequences of the regular one.
Back at Bentley when I was at the school cafeteria, I would create my own drink: 50% regular Coke: 50% diet Coke. It was the best of both worlds for me. I'm surprised that this product is not available. What is stopping Coke and Pepsi from releasing a half and half type of drink? Don't tell me I missed the memo and this already exists because that would render this entire post useless! Stay thirsty my friends (Dos Equis guy voice, I LOVE those commercials)
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